• Joint Flag Retirement Held at Veterans Park

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    A joint flag retirement ceremony was recently held at Veterans Park in Roanoke Rapids. Co-hosts of the event were the Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR, Boy Scout Troops 144 & 411 and American Legion Post 98 of Halifax.  The program was written and conducted by Troop 144.  Approximately 170 flags were retired with honor and […]

  • Halifax Resolves Chapter Participates in Veterans Day Program

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    The Halifax Resolves Chapter was one of the sponsors of the Veterans Day ceremony conducted at Veterans Park in Roanoke Rapids.  Past Chapter President Ken Wilson presented the Veterans Day Proclamation written by NSSAR President-General Larry T. Guzy to the gathering. photo courtesy rrspin.com Chapter members Ken Wilson, Rev. Duncan Jones, Compatriots J. Rives Manning  and […]

  • Macon United Methodist Church Honors Veterans

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    Veterans in the Macon Community were honored during the morning worship service at Macon United Methodist Church. Participants were: (l-r) Halifax Resolves SAR President Ken Wilson, AmVets Post 101 Commander Nina Hutchins, Jewel Fenwick, AmVets Post 101 Ladies Auxiliary President Marsha Fenwick, Department of North Carolina AmVets Commander Keith Hutchins and American Legion Post 98 […]

  • Halifax Resolves SAR Remembers Veterans

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    At the request of the Halifax County Library, the Halifax Resolves Chapter Sons of the American Revolution placed a display in the entry way of the library honoring all veterans past and present. The display was set up by Halifax Resolves Chapter President Ken Wilson, MSgt. USAF (ret.).  

  • Crawford Earns Eagle Scout Award

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    Harry Jonathan Crawford, Jr. was recently awarded the rank of Eagle Scout during a Court of Honor held by Troop 144 of Roanoke Rapids. The ceremony was conducted by Troop 144 Charter Organization Representative Lee Bone, Unit Commissioner Jeff McKee, Scout Master Dan Harris and Asst. Scout Master Josh Clark.   Halifax Resolves Chapter President Ken […]

  • NC SAR Past President Remembered

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    The Halifax Resolves Chapter of the North Carolina Sons of the American Revolution recently dedicated an SAR marker at the grave of Compatriot Dr. Ralph Hardee Rives. The chapter was assisted by NC SAR Sr. VP Mr. James A. Becker, the Combined NC SAR Color Guard and SAR members from the General George Washington, Lower […]

  • AP History Class Hosts SAR Speaker

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    Nash Central HS History teacher Mr. Renny Taylor and the AP History class invited Mr. Ken Wilson, president of the Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR to be a guest speaker during one of their classes. Wilson presented a program on the significance of the Battle of Kings Mountain during the American Revolution. This battle in […]

  • Joint Flag Retirement Held at Roanoke Rapids HS

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    The Roanoke Rapids HS Social Studies Department, American Legion Post 98 and the Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR sponsored a Joint Flag Retirement for the students during their Power B Period. The ceremony was written by the students that included comments by American Legion Post 98 Adjutant Mr. J. Rives Manning about “What the Flag […]

  • Power Period Presentation

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    RRHS History teacher Mr. Seth Warren recently requested Mr. Ken Wilson of the Halifax Resolves SAR Chapter to present a program to students during their Power Period B. Wilson presented a program on different uniforms worn during the American Revolution and at the request of Mr. Warren gave a brief overview of his military service.

  • Halifax Resolves DAR Chapter Host SAR Speaker

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    The Halifax Resolves Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution recently hosted a program presented by Halifax Resolves Chapter SAR President-elect David B. Gammon. The program was entitled “Ten Reasons to Read Court Minutes”.  Shown in the photo (l-r) is Ms. Ann Newbern, Vice Regent of the Halifax Resolves DAR Chapter, Mr. David B. Gammon, President-elect […]

  • Constitution Day Display

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    The Halifax Resolves SAR chapter and the Halifax Resolves DAR chapter joined forces and placed a Constitution Day display in the Scotland Neck Memorial Library. The display illustrates the progression from the Halifax Resolves to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bills of Rights.  Informational flyers were also available to the public.  Shown […]

  • Halifax Resolves Chapter Attends 9-11 Ceremony

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    Members of the Halifax Resolves Chapter attended the 16th Annual Patriot’s Day 9-11 Commemoration Ceremony in Roanoke Rapids.  The program was sponsored by AMVETS Post 101 and the Roanoke Rapids Fire Department.  Area first responders participated, with Enfield Chief of Police Tyree Davis as the keynote speaker.  The Roanoke Rapids HS AJROTC presented the colors.  […]

  • Troop 146 Eagle Scout Recognized

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    BSA Troop 146’s newest Eagle Scout Dillon McCoy Rowell was recognized by the Sons of the American Revolution at his Court of Honor with a Certificate of Recognition for “Outstanding achievement and exceptional leadership and citizenship evidenced by his attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout”. The certificate was presented by Halifax Resolves Chapter President […]

  • History Presentations at Tar River Academy

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    Tar River Academy in Rocky Mount, NC recently asked Halifax Resolves Chapter member Ken Wilson to present two programs for their students. The Battle of Kings Mountain was presented to the high school Social Studies classes of Ms. Charman Pearson and the middle school classes of Ms. Jacquetta Harrison attended a presentation about U.S. Flag […]

  • Eagle Scout Receives Award

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    Eagle Scout Sean Michael Ketoff of BSA Troop 146 in Roanoke Rapids was the recipient of the Sons of the American Revolution Eagle Scout Recognition certificate at his recent Court of Honor. The certificate, awarded by Halifax Resolves Chapter President Ken Wilson, recognized Ketoff’s “Outstanding achievement and exceptional leadership and citizenship evidenced by his attainment […]

  • Genealogical Society Hears Battle of Kings Mountain Program

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    At the invitation of the Halifax County Genealogical Society, Halifax Resolves Chapter President Ken Wilson presented a program entitled “The Battle of Kings Mountain, October 7, 1780: The Beginning of the End”. This program encompassed events leading up to and including the battle that turned the tide of the Revolutionary War in the South. Following […]

  • SAR Presents U.S. Flag Program to Belmont Elementary 5th Grade

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    The Belmont Elementary School 5th grade in Roanoke Rapids recently requested Halifax Resolves Chapter President Ken Wilson speak to them about U.S. flag history, flag etiquette and proper folding of the flag. Students were also told the meaning of each fold of the flag.  The group consisted of five classes with a total of about […]

  • Eagle Scout Recognized

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    Eagle Scout Kyler Rogerson of BSA Troop 238 in Roanoke Rapids was the recipient of the Sons of the American Revolution Eagle Scout Recognition certificate at his recent Court of Honor. The certificate, awarded by Halifax Resolves Chapter President Ken Wilson, recognized Rogerson’s “Outstanding achievement and exceptional leadership and citizenship evidenced by his attainment of […]

  • Chaloner MS Student Wins NC SAR Brochure Contest

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    Sierra Lynn Gibbs, an 8th grade student at Chaloner Middle School in Roanoke Rapids, was the winner of the North Carolina Sons of the American Revolution Middle School Americanism Brochure Contest.  This contest challenges the student to design a brochure supporting one of the five founding documents: the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, the […]

  • Manning 4th Grade Student Wins NC SAR Poster Contest

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    Elliott Sass, a 4th grade student at Manning Elementary School in Roanoke Rapids, has won the NC Sons of the American Revolution Americanism Poster Contest.  The contest topic changes annually from a Revolutionary War Patriot to a battle/event.  The topic this year was to research a local Revolutionary War Patriot, and design a poster that […]