The Patriot Records Registry has been assembled as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls format). We believe that presenting the Registry in a spreadsheet format will make it more usable for most people. As in its previous format, the Registry is shown in its default organization – ordered by Patriot Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name.

- North Carolina Patriot Graves Registry
- Patriot Research – Registered Voters in Orange County, NC, in November 1776
(Excel File will download at the bottom of your browser)
Also download the supporting documents here. These are 63 pages of 8.5″x11″ and 8.5″x14″ scans in a single PDF file. It is a large file to download so please be patient. You can also download a searchable PDF file here. - North Carolina Compatriot (Members) Grave Registry
- North Carolina Grave Registry Instructions
- Patriot Grave Marking Manual
Patriot Grave Identification and Submission
Patriot Graves and Biographies Reporting Form
Other Useful Websites & Forms
- SAR Membership Genealogies
- Search the SAR National Patriot Records
- DAR Patriot Ancestor Search
- North Carolina in Revolutionary War
- Partial presentation of some Patriot Graves and cemeteries in North Carolina
North Carolina Point of Contact
Updated 13 January 2020