• Bojangles Receives SAR Flag Certificate

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    The Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR has awarded the SAR Flag Certificate to the Bojangles Restaurant #1043 in Rocky Mount, NC. This certificate is presented “In Recognition of Exemplary Patriotism in the Display of the Flag of the United States of America.” Store Manager Ms. Pauline Williams accepted the award on behalf of Bo Jangles.  […]

  • Chick-fil-A Receives Award

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    The Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR has awarded the SAR Flag Certificate to the Chick-fil-A restaurant in Roanoke Rapids, NC. This certificate is presented “In Recognition of Exemplary Patriotism in the Display of the Flag of the United States of America.” Store Manager Ms. Ceci Garrett accepted the award and is shown with her members […]

  • SAR Celebrates the Halifax Resolves

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    The Halifax Resolves Chapter of the North Carolina Sons of the American Revolution hosted an April 12th ceremony celebrating the 242nd anniversary of the adoption of the Halifax Resolves on April 12th, 1776.  Chapter President David B. Gammon assumed the role of Master of Ceremonies following the welcome given by Historic Halifax Site Manager Karl […]

  • U.S. Flag Program Conducted at Halifax Academy

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    Ms. Lindy Rogerson recently requested a program about the U.S. flag be presented to her 5th grade class at Halifax Academy.  Compatriot Ken Wilson spoke to the students about U.S. Flag history, etiquette, and proper folding.  This presentation has become an annual event for Ms. Rogerson’s class. Compatriot Wilson assists as  student Watkins Crew folds the […]

  • SAR Visits Gates Co. High School

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    Gates Co. HS Social Studies teacher Ms. Savannah Blystone recently contacted Halifax Resolves Compatriot Ken Wilson to speak to students from three of the schools History classes.  Ms. Blystone learned about the SAR Speakers Bureau at the February Social Studies Conference in Greensboro.  Wilson presented a program entitled “From Mecklenburg to Halifax” to over 70 […]

  • Halifax Academy Student Wins Halifax Resolves SAR Poster Contest

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    A total of 81 posters from three area schools were submitted to the Halifax Resolves SAR Chapter Americanism Poster Contest. This year’s topic was a Revolutionary War Event. The winning poster was submitted by Avery Boone, a 5th grade student in Mrs. Lindy Rogerson’s class at Halifax Academy.  Avery’s entry documented the Edenton Tea Party. […]

  • Chaloner Middle School Receives Flag Certificate

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    The Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR has awarded Chaloner Middle School a Sons of the American Revolution Flag Certificate “In Recognition of Exemplary Patriotism in the display of the Flag of the United States of America”.  The certificate was presented by Halifax Resolves Past President Ken Wilson and accepted by Chaloner Middle School Principal Mr. […]

  • Elias Wins Halifax Resolves SAR Brochure Contest

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    Madison B. Elias, an eighth grade student at Chaloner Middle School, was recently selected as the winner of the Halifax Resolves NC SAR Chapter winner of the Americanism Brochure Contest. This contest requires the student to design a brochure that supports one of the five Founding Documents of the United States.  Madison’s entry was in […]

  • NC Governor Roy Cooper Inducted into the SAR

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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Robert Sigmon Phone: (919) 349-8245 Email:   NC Governor Roy Cooper Inducted into the SAR (Raleigh, NC, April 16, 2018) On Wednesday, March 28, the North Carolina Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NCSSAR) had the distinct privilege to induct North Carolina Governor Roy Asberry Cooper, III and […]

  • The Crossing of the Dan

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    The Crossing of the Dan ceremony in South Boston, Virginia was attended by NC SAR President George K. Strunk accompanied by seven compatriots from the Alamance Battleground, General George Washington, Halifax Resolves and le Marquis de Lafayette chapters. Members participated in the color guard and presented the state and chapter wreaths. Due to the rainy weather, the […]

  • Halifax & the Revolution

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    Halifax Resolves Chapter member Ken Wilson was recently asked to speak to the 8th grade Social Studies students at Chaloner MS about Halifax during the Revolutionary War.  Wilson informed the students of the importance of the town as an unofficial capitol of the colony, the role of training troops and the arsenal at Halifax while […]

  • SAR Visits Local Elementary Schools

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    Roanoke Rapids Graded School District Elementary Schools were recently visited by Ken Wilson of the Halifax Resolves SAR Chapter who spoke to them about the SAR’s annual Americanism Poster Contest. Wilson explained the rules of the contest and this year’s subject, a Revolutionary War event.  Two subjects were suggested, the Edenton Tea Party and the […]

  • The Battle of Kings Mountain Comes to Halifax Academy

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    The 6th & 8th grade classes of Halifax Academy in Roanoke Rapids, NC recently invited Ken Wilson of the Halifax Resolves SAR chapter to present a program about the Battle of Kings Mountain that took place on October 7, 1780.  Wilson, dressed in the attire of a Patriot militia member, told the students about the […]

  • Halifax Academy Awarded Flag Certificate

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    Halifax Academy, in Roanoke Rapids, NC was recently awarded an SAR Flag Certificate “In recognition of exemplary Patriotism in the display of the flag of the United States of America”.  Assistant Headmaster Ms. Amy Poole accepted the certificate on behalf of the academy.  The certificate was presented by Halifax Resolves SAR Past President Ken Wilson.

  • SAR Presents Poster Contest to 5th Grade

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    The annual Halifax Resolves SAR Poster Contest has begun. Compatriot Ken Wilson spoke with 5th grade students at Halifax Academy about the topic for the year and the rules of the contest.  The topic this year is a Revolutionary War event.  The chapter suggested the topics of the Halifax Resolves and the Edenton Tea Party, […]

  • Peyton Anderson Attains Eagle Scout

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    Peyton C. Anderson, BSA Troop 144, Lewis-Deanes District, East Carolina Council recently attained the rank of Eagle Scout. During his Court of Honor the Halifax Resolves SAR presented him with an SAR Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate which read in part “For outstanding achievement and exceptional leadership and citizenship evidenced by his attainment of the rank […]

  • SAR Attends Wreaths Across America at Evergreen Cemetery

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    NC SAR President SMS George K. Strunk, USAF (ret.), along with members of the General George Washington Chapter and Ken Wilson from the Halifax Resolves Chapter, attended and participated in the Wreaths Across America Ceremony at Evergreen Cemetery in Princeton, NC.  President Strunk and Gen. George Washington Color Guard Commander Kenny Smith presented wreaths during […]

  • RRHS Student Wins Essay Contest

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    The Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR recently conducted its annual George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest. This contest pertains to events leading up to and including the Revolutionary.  The student must write an essay 800-1200 words in length with a minimum of five sources of which only two can be internet sources. This […]

  • NC SAR Color Guard Leads Christmas Parade

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    The Combined NC SAR Color Guard assisted by members of the NC Sons of the Revolution Color Guard led the Roanoke Rapids Christmas Parade for the tenth consecutive year.  The Halifax Resolves Chapter was the host chapter.  A pre-event luncheon was held at Ralph’s BBQ in Weldon, NC.

  • Halifax Resolves Installs New Officers

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    At the annual meeting of the Halifax Resolves SAR Chapter, a new officer corps was installed by NC SAR President SMS George K. Strunk, USAF (ret). Mr. David Gammon was installed as the new Chapter President; Mr. Geoff Pittard as Vice President; Mr. Steve Avent as Sec./Treas./Registrar and Rev. Duncan H. Jones as Chaplain. During […]