• New Bern Chapter Presents Certificate of Recognition to Eagle Scout

    Posted in: News

    On 3 December, during a Court of Honor ceremony, Ed Stinston (NCSAR New Bern Chapter member), presented, Collin Oliver, of the Boys Scout Troop 97, a Certificate of Recognition, for his achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

  • New Bern Chapter Delivers Snacks to the NC Veterans Home in Kinston, NC

    Posted in: News

    On 3 December, Gary Gillette (NCSAR New Bern Chapter) delivered 9 large bags of snacks for the Canteen, at the NC Veterans Home in Kinston, NC. Their Canteen includes various “snack items”, which residents can purchase for .25 cents each. It provides the residents an opportunity to periodically enjoy things they can’t normally get on […]

  • Nash Central HS Student Wins Essay Contest

    Posted in: News

    Nash Central HS 11th grade student Ms. Camryn Eley is the winner of the Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR Knight Essay contest.  This contest requires the student to write an 800 – 1200-word essay about a person, event, philosophy or ideal associated with the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the United […]

  • New Bern Chapter Presents Eagle Scout Certificate of Recognition

    Posted in: News

    On 1 December, during a Court of Honor ceremony, Jay DeLoach, Rear Adm, USN Retired, and President of the NCSAR, and New Bern Chapter past President, presented Sarah Taylor, of the Boys Scout Troop 219, a Certificate of Recognition, for her achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.  

  • Troop 555 Assists SAR with Grave Marking Ceremonies

    Posted in: News

    BSA Troop 555 of Louisburg assisted the Halifax Resolves Chapter NC SAR with both of their grave marking ceremonies on October 16th in Youngsville and Louisburg.  The scouts helped with setting up the flags and the sound system before passing out the programs and directing participates in placing their wreaths.  The troop also rendered honors […]

  • Sandhills SAR Chapter Respectful US Flag Retirement Program

    Mike Fusselbaugh
    Posted in: News
  • New Bern Chapter Presents Heroism Medal to New Bern City Police Officer

    Posted in: News

    On Friday, 19 November 2021, the New Bern Chapter presented the NSSAR Heroism Medal Award to Officer Gust Rose for outstanding bravery in the line of duty. Through his exemplary quick-thinking Officer Rose was able to disarm a 10-inch knife wielding assailant that was threatening the lives of several people including Officer Rose by subduing […]

  • New Bern Chapter Members Attend Veteran’s Brick Dedication Ceremony

    Posted in: News

    On November 19th, members of the NCSAR New Bern Chapter, attended the “Special Brick Dedication Ceremony” at the CarolinaEast Health Center in New Bern.  The CarolinaEast Foundation had a “Bricks for Veterans” fundraiser, where individuals, organizations and businesses, could purchase bricks, recognizing past and present members of the US Military Services, which would be placed […]

  • New Bern Chapter Presents Certificate to NJROTC Cadet

    Posted in: News

    At the November 13th NCSAR New Bern Chapter meeting, Calieb Duval (Pamlico County High School Navy JROTC Program), was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for representing the North Carolina Society- SAR in the JROTC Cadet of the Year at the 131st Congress of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Renton, […]

  • Awards and Induction of Officers

    Ben Setser
    Posted in: News, What's New

    We had a great Chapter meeting on 13 November 2021. It was installation of Officers and Awards day. We presented the Bronze 250th Anniversary Medals to 6 more chapter members. Four were present and two got theirs later. We presented the Bronze Chapter Distinguish Service Medal to our past president and current State Sr Vice […]

  • New Bern SAR and DAR Chapters Support a Veteran Suicide Awareness Event

    Posted in: News

    On November 11th, 2021, Over 200 people joined the American Legion Post 539 to support a march of 22 kilometers to bring awareness to the 22 Veterans that are committing suicide daily. The march finished with an event at Union Point Park, New Bern, NC. Dana Outlaw , Rob Webster and Bob Ainsley attended the ceremony […]

  • Mecklenburg Chapter Hosts Black Descendant of Thomas Jefferson

    Posted in: News, What's New

    (November 11, 2021) The Mecklenburg Chapter in Charlotte, NC, hosted another large community dinner event on Veterans Day this year featuring a well-known media professional from Washington, D.C., Gayle Jessup White. She is also a descendant of our Nation’s third President, Thomas Jefferson, and his enslaved mistress, Sally Hemings. “An integral part of our Society’s […]

  • Vietnam Veterans Field of Honor Ceremony

    Mike Fusselbaugh
    Posted in: News
  • MOAA Veterans Day Ceremony

    Mike Fusselbaugh
    Posted in: News
  • New Bern Chapter Makes 2nd Delivery of Snacks to the NC Veterans Home in Kinston

    Posted in: News

    On 2 November, Gary Gillette (NCSAR New Bern Chapter) and Tammy Gillette (NCDAR, Richard Dobbs Spaight Chapter), delivered 3 boxes of snacks for the Canteen, at the NC Veterans Home in Kinston, NC.  Their Canteen includes various “snack items”, which residents can purchase for .25 cents each.  It provides the residents an opportunity to periodically […]

  • Halifax Resolves Chapter Attends Rocky Mount Veterans Day Ceremony

    Posted in: News

    Nash Central HS AP History teacher Compatriot Renny Taylor accompanied the school’s Naval JROTC unit who were participating in the Veterans Day ceremony at Jack Laughery Park in Rocky Mount. The unit took part in various parts of the ceremony.

  • American Legion Post 38 Hosts Veterans Day Ceremony

    Posted in: News

    The Shaw-May American Legion Post 38 in Roanoke Rapids hosted a Veterans Day ceremony that included not only the American Legion, but also the Am Vets Post 101, The VFW District Commander, the Roanoke Rapids HS Army JROTC and the Halifax Resolves Chapter NCSSAR. Chapter President Ken Wilson presented the chapter wreath in remembrance of […]

  • New Bern Chapter Members Meet With Elementary School to Discuss Veterans Day

    Posted in: News

    On 8 November, Gary Gillette (representing the Air Force) and Robert Mull (representing the Army), both members of the NCSAR New Bern Chapter, spoke with approximately 450 children (K – 5) at the Bangert Elementary School in New Bern, about Veterans Day. This is the 5th year, that members of the SAR Chapter, has had […]

  • New Bern Chapter Presents Eagle Scout Recognition Certificates

    Posted in: News

    NC SAR President and New Bern Chapter member Jay DeLoach presented Eagle Scout Recognition Certificates to three new Eagle Scouts during a Troop 13 Eagle Court of Honor on Thursday, November 4 at Centenary United Methodist Church.  Pictured from left to right: NC SAR President Jay DeLoach; Eagle Scouts Alexander Murphy, Ben Gerber, and Nathan […]