Fort Defiance Muster Weekend
Fort Defiance colonial weekend and muster | Facebook
Fort Defiance colonial weekend and muster | Facebook
The Commemoration has been moved to March 14 at the request of the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park (there is a high probability of a U.S. Government shutdown on March 15). Please RSVP on this Google Form.
The Lafayette Society, in conjunction with the Marquis de Lafayette Society NCSSAR, the Liberty Point Chapter NCSDAR, The Col Robert Rowan Chapter NCSDAR and The Colonial Dames invite all to attend the ceremonial procession commemorating the 200 year anniversary of the 1825 visit to Fayetteville by the Marquis de Lafayette, The ceremony will take place […]
Please join the Colson’s Mill Chapter of the Society of Sons of the American Revolution in celebrating the birthday of our founding father, George Washington, in Fellowship Hall at the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Oakboro. A supper buffet of various Southern dishes will be prepared by Dwight S. Eudy, Member, Colson’s Mill Chapter. Donations […]
Color Guard support to the DAR (and perhaps volley fire) for dedication of a historic marker in Belmont to the South Fork Boys (fought at Kings Mountain, among other places). Sponsored by the William Chronicle, Peter Smith, Tryon Resolves, and William Gaston Chapters of the DAR. Indoor ceremony at the Church and the marker dedication […]
Please join us as we celebrate the 249th Anniversary of the Battle of Moores Creek Bridge, the 1st Patriot victory during the War for Independence. Activities will include musket and cannon demonstrations throughout both days, as well as demonstrations of colonial trades such as blacksmithing, candle dipping, spinning, cooking, gardening, powder horn making, colonial toys […]
Tickets Required – see event website
Commemoration of Cornwallis’ burning of his Army’s excess baggage in January, 1781 in Lincolnton in an effort to recapture soldiers recently lost at the Battle of Cowpens as well as engage and defeat the American Continental Army led by Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene. Revolutionary War encampment open from 10 until 4, food, bonfire, cabin, demos, […]
2025 North Carolina SAR Winter Board of Managers Meeting Immediately Following the Cowan’s Ford Commemoration Saturday, January 25, 2025 12:00pm to 3:00pm Hopewell Presbyterian Church 10500 Beatties Ford Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 Our lunch will be provided by Lancaster’s BBQ & Wings. The menu will be BBQ, Chicken, Baked Beans, Green Beans, Slaw, Buns, Tea, […]
Please click HERE to go to the Mecklenburg Chapter Event Page NOTE: NCSSAR Board of Managers Meeting following this Commemoration. Click HERE to go to the NCSSAR event page for more details and to register.
NOTES: * This is an SAR National Event. * Parking is available behind the church building near the Academy building on the grass. * If you wish to sit, you will need to bring your own folding chair. * No facilities available. Bring your own water. * Event will be held regardless of weather conditions.
You are cordially invited to a Grave Marking Honoring American Revolution Patriot Private Arthur Garrison of the North Carolina Militia Sunday, 15 December 2024 @ 3:00 PM Ebenezer Presbyterian Church Cemetery 2132 Ebenezer Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 Hosted by the Mecklenburg Chapter of the North Carolina Society, Sons of the American Revolution Please click […]