North Carolina Events
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- 2626.February.SundayNo events
- 2727.February.MondayNo events
- 2828.February.TuesdayNo events
- 0101.March.WednesdayNo events
- 0202.March.ThursdayNo events
- 0303.March.FridayNo events
- 0404.March.Saturday
253rd Anniversary Of The Boston Massacre
1 Court Square, Lincolnton, NC 28092, USACatawba Valley Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
In Honor Of, The Upcoming 250th Anniversary Of
The Declaration of Independence
And Our National LibertyCelebrates This Prelude to Liberty
The 253rd Anniversary Of The Boston MassacreSaturday, March 4th, 2023, 11:00 am at Historic Lincoln County Courthouse,
1 Court Square, Lincolnton NC 28092Please come be with us
Annual NCSSAR Events
See the map below for the locations of annual commemorations that occur throughout the state on or around their anniversary date.