North Carolina Events
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- 2929.January.SundayNo events
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- 3131.January.TuesdayNo events
- 0101.February.WednesdayNo events
- 0202.February.ThursdayNo events
- 0303.February.FridayNo events
- 0404.February.Saturday
General Francis Nash Chapter Meeting and Luncheon
153 W King St, Hillsborough, NC 27278, USAThe first General Francis Nash Chapter meeting of 2023 will be February 4, at the Colonial Inn in Hillsborough, starting at 11:30 a.m.
Our speaker will be Courney Smith, Events and Exhibits Coordinator at the Orange County Historical Museum. Courney is a fantastic speaker. So, mark the date!!!
Annual NCSSAR Events
See the map below for the locations of annual commemorations that occur throughout the state on or around their anniversary date.