General Francis Nash and Raleigh Chapters Hold SAR Oratory Competitions; NC SAR Winner Named

The General Francis Nash and Raleigh Chapters jointly held their Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Orations Competitions on March 16 at Governors Club in Chapel Hill. State Judges then announced the NC SAR Oratory Winner, who will participate in the National SAR Oratory Contest.
Nearly half of the GFN membership participates in hosting this event, and with the addition of Raleigh Chapter members, NC SAR Officers, DAR Members, Parents, and members of the community, a memorable experience is presented for all involved.

Nine competitors, two Home Schooled, the others from five different High Schools, appeared before an appreciative audience. The two Chapters’ Orators alternate, with scoring by that Chapter’s Judges.

To provide some time for the Judges to collect their thoughts, NC SAR Rumbaugh Chairman Lowell Hoffman provides a series of historical vignettes between Orations. At the conclusion, the Judges adjourn to separately determine the Chapter Winners, while the Orators are given an opportunity to introduce themselves to the audience. Awards are then presented at the immediately-following General Francis Nash Chapter Luncheon Meeting.

All the participants were then presented certificates.

The two Chapter Winners then presented their Orations again, and State Judges adjourned to determine the North Carolina SAR Winners. 2022 and 2023 North Carolina SAR Winner and 2023 SAR National 3rd Place Aliza Jankowsky, now a Freshman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, recounted her experiences in the competitions, and how the skills continue to be useful.

State Judges then announced their decision

The 1st Place Winner, Timothy Hisler, will present his Oration at the North Carolina SAR Annual Meeting on April 6, where he will receive his State Medal and $750, and will represent NC SAR in the National SAR Oratory Contest.

Additional photos of all these fine Orators are at
A fine article is in the March 21, 2024, edition of the Chatham News & Record