Robert E. Burt BSA Scouts Volunteer Award

The Robert E. Burt BSA Scouts Volunteer Award is a national recognition approved by the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). It may be presented to any member of the SAR in good standing who is currently active in a scout unit, district, or council or an SAR member that has displayed outstanding dedication to the Scouting Program.

The emphasis of this award is on the importance of being selective. There is no rule that a quota must be used every year. No honorary recognitions should be made. The purpose of this award is to recognize the recipient’s outstanding service to youth through the programs of BSA Scouts.

The North Carolina SAR Eagle Scout Committee processes nominations for the Burt BSA Scouts Volunteer Award. The committee reviews nominations to be submitted at the national SAR Spring and Fall Leadership Meetings. Nominations should be submitted by email by February 15th and August 15th to:

James Johnson, North Carolina SAR Eagle Scout Chairman,

The $20.00 cost to nominate an individual is paid either by the nominating chapter or the nominator. It is paid after the nomination is approved by the North Carolina SAR. The $20.00 cost covers the cost of the medal.

Guide for Selection Committee

The following are some award qualifications. An individual who possesses a combination of these would meet the requirements for this recognition. These are offered only as a guide. However, the criteria are indicative of what the Selection Committee should be seeking. This list is not inclusive as there are many others areas that could be considered. The award candidate:

A.) Has notably served in bringing Scouting to more youth.Robert E Burt BSA Scouts Volunteer Medal from the North Carolina SAR

B.) Has assisted local SAR chapters and state-level societies in forming Scouting units to be operated by local SAR societies and other groups.

C.) Is active in promoting and expanding the use of the American Heritage, Genealogy, and Law merit badges.

D.) Has recruited youth to earn the American Heritage, Genealogy, and Law merit badges.

E.) Is fully trained in the skills of Scouting and outstanding in the areas of responsibility, humility, and setting a good example.

F.) Has made a significant contribution to the SAR and Scouting by bringing the two movements together to serve the community.

G.) Has led in offering Scouting to all youth regardless of race, creed, or income level, and has been instrumental in organizing Scouting units, especially in the inner city or low-income community.

H.) Has participated in promoting the SAR Arthur M. & Berdena Eagle Scout Award at the chapter, state, or national levels.

Download the Robert E. Burt BSA Scouts Volunteer Award Application Form

For more information, please contact the North Carolina SAR NC Eagle Scout Chairman, James Johnson, at