Enhanced JROTC Medal and Certificate
The North Carolina Sons of the American Revolution (NC SAR) is proud to sponsor the Enhanced JROTC Cadet Scholarship. JROTC cadets who are juniors in high school are eligible for this scholarship. The Senior JROTC Instructor may nominate one cadet from his/her high school. In 1998 the program was expanded to recognize outstanding cadets at the state and national levels as well. Cadets are nominated to the state competitions by their unit’s Senior Military Science Instructor. Nominees to this program must be in their next to last year of JROTC (e.g., a third year cadet in a four year program or a second year cadet in a three year program). Selection criteria: patriotism, leadership, military bearing, and scholarship. Nominated cadets must rank in the top 25% of their high school class and in the top 10% of the JROTC cadets.

The nomination packet should contain:
- A completed nomination form: Download the JROTC Enhanced Outstanding Cadet Award Nomination/Entry Form. If you are unable to obtain a nomination form from the web pages – request one from the JROTC Candidate Selection Chairman, Michael T. Aycock. See attachment.
- A recommendation by the Senior JROTC Instructor with comments about the cadet’s leadership potential.
- A recommendation by the Principal, with verification of GPA.
- An original essay by the cadet, of 500 to 700 words. The essay may be done on a computer, typewriter, or by hand (in ink). The topic of the essay: “How JROTC has prepared me to be a better citizen of the United States”.
- The deadline for submission is March 27, 2023.
Your Local Chapter may present the chapter winner with a bronze medal on a bronze wreath medallion, neck ribbon, framed bar with a bronze star, and a certificate.
First, look here to see which North Carolina SAR Chapter your school is assigned! When you find the North Carolina SAR Chapter assigned to your school, click here to find the contact information for the Chapter president.
The outstanding North Carolina cadet will be presented a $600 cash award plus $150 for expenses to travel to the North Carolina SAR Annual Convention, a silver framed ribbon bar containing a silver star for the Minuteman Medal drape, and a certificate recognizing their achievement. The cadet will then be sponsored by the North Carolina Society to the national competition.
The Outstanding Cadet in the Nation will receive a gold presentation medallion on a neck ribbon, a gold framed ribbon bar and a gold star for the medal ribbon drape, a cash award of one thousand dollars ($1,000), and the National Society will provide up to one thousand dollars in travel expense funds for the cadet to attend the National Society’s Congress in July to receive their award and be recognized by the Sons of the American Revolution.
Suspense: Nominations must be forwarded via e-mail:
Michael T. Aycock
229 Morganwood
Elizabethtown, NC 28337
(910) 849-6133
Outstanding JROTC Cadet
The North Carolina SAR has awarded a bronze JROTC medal and a certificate to the outstanding JROTC cadet in each unit across the State for many years.
To Request Medals for Your School
First, look here to see which North Carolina SAR Chapter your school is assigned! When you find the North Carolina SAR Chapter assigned to your school, click here to find the contact information for the Chapter president.
The Chapter President will then obtain the medal, and a representative of his Chapter will present it to the recipient. As these medals must be personally presented by a representative of the Chapter, we will be unable to present a medal if there is not a North Carolina SAR Chapter within a reasonable distance of the school. We will order medals on November 1, for presentation in the following spring, so it is important that you contact your local Chapter as early as possible giving:
- The name and mailing address of the school
- The name of the senior military instructor and his phone# and/or e-mail address
- The name and type of JROTC unit (Army, Navy, AF)
- The planned date (and place – if known) when the medal will be presented.
It is not necessary to include the name of the recipient. The certificate can be sent to the senior instructor prior to the ceremony for inscription of the cadet’s name.
JROTC Award Medal Distribution Chairman: George Strunk