National Leadership Meeting

March 02, 2017 - March 05, 2017 All day
335 W Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202, USA

The National Leadership Meeting will convene at the Brown Hotel on 2 Mar 17.  Members of national committees should register as soon as possible.

Trustees Meeting location
Meeting Location in the Brown

It is my pleasure to invite you to the Spring Leadership Conference/Trustees Meeting which will be held at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky on March 2-4, 2017

National committees will meet on Thursday and Friday. It is the responsibility of each chairman to notify committee members of the time and place of their meeting, and I anticipate that the schedule of meeting times and places will be posted on the web site. The Trustees meet on Saturday morning where reports will be presented by national officers and committee chairmen.

Please note: Officers and Committee Chairmen – your written report has to be in the office no later than close of business on February 10, 2017.   The report form can be found on the SAR website.  Send them to Debbie Smalley ( "> )

Dinner banquets are scheduled for Friday and Saturday evenings for your social pleasure.

For those interested in accommodations at the Brown Hotel, I recommend that reservations ( Reservation Desk or 1-502-583-1234) be scheduled immediately as the space there is limited. Other hotels, inns, and motels are available but if you plan to stay at the Brown Hotel you should identify yourself as an SAR member for a special room rate.

For additional information contact Debbie Smalley ( 502-588- 6123 or ).

Don Shaw
Executive Director

There is a Welcome Reception in the 2nd floor lobby of the Brown Hotel from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm for Leadership attendees.
Late Registration: After the close of business on February 16, 2017.  The registration fee after this date will be $80.

Cancellation and Refund Policy: After the close of business on February 16, 2017: no refunds