North Carolina Events
Scroll down to find an event near you
- 0909.March.SundayNo events
- 1010.March.MondayNo events
- 1111.March.TuesdayNo events
- 1212.March.WednesdayNo events
- 1313.March.ThursdayNo events
- 1414.March.Friday
244th Anniversary of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse
National Park Service, 2332 New Garden Rd, Greensboro, NC 27410, USAThe Commemoration has been moved to March 14 at the request of the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park (there is a high probability of a U.S. Government shutdown on March 15).
Please RSVP on this Google Form.
- 1515.March.SaturdayNo events
Annual NCSSAR Events
See the map below for the locations of annual commemorations that occur throughout the state on or around their anniversary date.