North Carolina Events
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Blue Ridge Chapter Color Guard Grave Marking
First North Carolina Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. Chartered 21 April 1928 in Asheville, North Carolina, and later became the Blue Ridge Chapter.
The Blue Ridge Chapter Color Guard will present Colors at the Grave Marking Ceremony for Compatriot Padgett at the Cool Springs Cemetery, 382 W. Main St. in Forest City, NC.
All members are invited to attend this solemn ceremony to honor Compatriot Padgett.
It is easy to see that the Blue Ridge Chapter is an active, energetic, and busy chapter that is always looking for new members to help us reach our challenging goals for the recognition of the sacrifices our Patriots made for us to enjoy the freedoms we have today.
December 2022 Raleigh Chapter In-Person Meeting
8853 Six Forks Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615, USARichard A. Peña
President of Raleigh Chapter
North Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution
Ph. (919) 757-1063Compatriots, please join us for the Raleigh Chapter Meeting.
Let’s have a great time!Milton’s Pizza – Six Forks
8853 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27615
(919) 847-0604
Pasta and Pizza Buffet: $16.00 + $3.30 Gratuity
Email RSVP to Darwin Roseman () Raleigh Chapter Secretary before November 10th, 2022___________________________________
NCSSAR Raleigh Chapter Agenda:
Call to Order – Richard A. Peña, President
Invocation – Van Jones, Chaplain
Pledge of Allegiance – Van Jones, Chaplain
National Anthem – Van Jones, Chaplain
Pledge of the SAR
Welcome Compatriots – Richard A. Peña, President
Unfinished Business
New Business
Guest Speaker – Gary Spencer, “Drink water! Canteens in the American Revolution and Beyond”
SAR Recessional
___________________________________Blue Ridge Chapter Compatriot Grave Marking December 10, 2022.
The Blue Ridge Chapter Color Guard will be participating in a compatriot Grave Marking Ceremony in Forest City, North Carolina, on December 10, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. for compatriot James Tildon Padgett, Jr. This solemn ceremony will take place at the Cool Springs Cemetery, 382 W. Main St., Forest City, NC. All chapter members are invited to attend this event.
Patriot Grave Marking, Solomon Wetherington (P-317057, DAR: A123574)
Patriot Grave Marking Ceremony
New Bern Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
Richard Dobbs Spaight Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution
Saturday, 10 December 2022, 1400-1500
Off Rollover Creek Road, Tuscarora, Craven County, North Carolina
Patriot Solomon Wetherington (P-317057 & A-123574)
4 October 1761 – 28 June 1840
Grid Coordinates: 35.1491139, -77.2458833Solomon Wetherington Cemetery (C-0152180) – Find A Grave Cemetery #: 2326551
Virtual Attendance, if available, will be static only.
*Note: It is a 1/4 mile walk from the parking area to the gravesite on UNEVEN SOFT TERRAIN. We will attempt to provide a shuttle from the parking area to the grave site but please plan accordingly.
Annual NCSSAR Events
See the map below for the locations of annual commemorations that occur throughout the state on or around their anniversary date.