North Carolina Events

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< 2021 >
June 12
  • 12

    Commemoration of the 246th Anniversary of the Liberty Point Resolves

    10:00 AM-11:00 AM
    June 12, 2021
    102 Ann St, Fayetteville, NC 28301, USA
    102 Ann St, Fayetteville, NC 28301, USA

    Commemoration of the 246th Anniversary of the Liberty Point Resolves


    The Le Marquis de Lafayette Chapter, NCSSAR invites you to attend, in person or virtual, the Commemoration of the 246th Anniversary of the Liberty Point Resolves on 12 June 2021, 10:00 am EST, at the First Presbyterian Church, 102 Ann St., Fayetteville, NC. 28301, or on Zoom.

    Please register for in-person or remote attendance with the form below. No additional wreath presentations will be made at this year’s event. The Zoom link will be sent to all registrants before the event.


    246th Anniversary Liberty Point Resolves RSVP

    246th Anniversary Liberty Point Resolves RSVP

Annual NCSSAR Events

See the map below for the locations of annual commemorations that occur throughout the state on or around their anniversary date.