The Sons of the American Revolution was incorporated on January 17, 1890, in Connecticut and later chartered by the United States Congress on June 9, 1906. Prior to this date a number of state societies were formed in the 1880’s. These were led by The Sons of Revolutionary Sires organized July 4, 1876, in San Francisco. The first Congress of the National Society was held in Louisville, Kentucky on April 30, 1890, which was the 100th anniversary of George Washington’s taking the oath of office of President of the United States.

The North Carolina SAR was chartered February 22, 1911. The people, places and events of North Carolina during the Revolutionary War played the pivotal role in bringing the War to a victorious conclusion in Yorktown. There are so many historic battles, places and cemeteries located across the Old North State. We join together as chapters and compatriots to mark and honor the men, women and children who fought to bring freedom to our great country. We invite you to discover your own ancestry and history then become a part of the SAR.

Our Purpose

The Sons of the American Revolution honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, and educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our Country.

  • Perpetuating the memory of Revolutionary War Patriots.
  • Promoting fellowship among their descendants.
  • Inspiring the community with a reverence for the principles of government founded by our forefathers.
  • Encouraging historical research of the American Revolution.
  • Preserving the records of Revolutionary War Patriots.
  • Marking the locations of the Revolution events and its soldiers.
  • Celebrating anniversaries of the Revolution.
  • Fostering true patriotism.
  • Maintaining and extending institutions of American freedom.
  • Carrying out the purposes of the Preamble of the Constitution.
  • Following the injunctions of Washington’s farewell address to the American people.

What the SAR Means to Me

  • SAR provides an opportunity to honor my heritage and promote the freedoms that our Patriots fought for.

    Bob Ervin
    Member, North Carolina SAR
  • SAR membership is vital at this time in American history. The focus on political correctness and the de-emphasizing of the facts in American History in both our society and our schools is leading to a loss of respect and tradition for the American flag and Constitutional form of democratic government.

    Charles Lewis
    President, Lower Cape Fear Chapter, North Carolina SAR
  • My family had always suspected that somehow our branch of the Whitney family was connected to the Whitneys who lived in New England during the 17th Century. The process of making application and being accepted into the Sons of the American Revolution transformed our suspicion to concrete fact. It is good to share fellowship with those who share a common heritage.

    Norman Whitney
    President, Alamance Battleground Chapter
  • The SAR gives me a chance to learn more about the Revolutionary War than was taught in my high school history class. It also gives me a chance to honor and remember the common soldier who fought in the war to give us the freedoms that we now enjoy.

    James Tatum
    Member, North Carolina SAR Color Guard
  • The SAR gives me a means honor the sacrifices my ancestors made in order to establish this great nation. And it gives me an opportunity to carry forward the ideals upon which it was founded.

    Dave Alls
    Color Guard Commander, Mecklenburg Chapter
  • The SAR continues the struggle for our freedoms started by our Patriot ancestors in 1776. Every succeeding generation has answered the call. It is now our duty to do our part to stay the course by standing proud and telling those who will listen that we believe in what our ancestors fought for. That we believe we have the best governmental system in the World and that we are proud of all those who have sacrificed to give us the opportunity to continue to be free. We are carrying the banner and I am proud to be a member of this fine organization.

    Samuel C. Powell, PhD
    President, SAR Foundation
  • I shouldered a rifle throughout a long army career in defense of freedom. The SAR allows me to shoulder the flag of a free nation in patriotism.

    Joe Harris
    SAR Minuteman Class, 2015
  • “We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again.” This quotation from MG Nathanael Greene concerns his assessment of his military prowess. I believe that translates into what I believe the SAR is to me. “We try, we make mistakes, learn from those mistakes and refuse to let the mistakes keep us down.” I think the SAR is a perfect example of remembering our ancestors who made many mistakes and learned from them to build the greatest society in modern history. We must salute our patriot ancestors every day and thank them for their enduring legacy that says we CAN do better than this!

    Gary Green
    Sr. Vice President, North Carolina SAR

We Do

  • Honor individuals for outstanding and unusual patriotic achievement on a national, regional and local level.
  • Honor persons for outstanding bravery and self sacrifice in the face of imminent danger.
  • Honor members of the United States Congress for outstanding service to the nation.
  • Honor outstanding high school students annually with the presentation of a Good Citizenship Award.
  • Honor outstanding Junior and Senior ROTC cadets annually with the presentation of the ROTC Award.
  • Honor Law Enforcement officials for outstanding service with a Law Enforcement Award.
  • Select an outstanding Eagle Scout annually at the branch, state and national level. The national winner receives a college scholarship.
  • Honor an outstanding student for winning the Knight Essay Contest.
  • Assist veterans in Veterans Hospitals.
  • Conduct a national historical orations contest annually.
  • Conduct a national youth video contest annually.
  • Sponsor Boy Scout troops and chapters of the Children of the American Revolution.
  • Place SAR Markers at the grave sites of Revolutionary War Patriots and SAR Members.
  • Commemorate Revolutionary War Patriots with appropriate ceremonies.
  • Participate in new citizenship swearing-in ceremonies.
  • Observe patriotic anniversaries.
  • Collaborate with the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Children of the American Revolution in the promotion of patriotism.