New Bern SAR Chapter Installs New Officers for 2019

Posted in: News

During the January meeting, held at Moore’s Olde Tyme BBQ, newly elected officers for the Sons of the American Revolution, New Bern Chapter, were installed. Presiding over the installation was the NC SAR State President, George K. Strunk (who is also the George Washington Chapter President). In addition to the regular meeting, the SAR State Genealogist (who is also the Halifax Resolves Chapter President), David Gammom, gave a presentation on “Researching Our Ancestors”, and Chapter member, Lee Purcell, gave a presentation on his Patriot Ancestor “Isaac Kip”. Other special attendees were members of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Children of the American Revolution (CAR) and several wives of the SAR members.

Pictured from left to right are: George Struck (State President), Jay DeLoach (Chapter President), Bob Ainsley (Chapter VP), Rick Layton (Chapter Secretary), Gary Gillette (Chapter Registrar), Rolf Maris (Chapter Historian), and Bob Shuck (Chapter Chaplain). Absent from the picture was Bill Dorn (Chapter Treasurer).