SAR Speaker at Southern Nash MS

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Southern Nash MS 8th grade Social Studies teacher Mr. Charles Vester, Mr. Markevius Silver and Mr. Matt Bissette recently invited Ken Wilson of the Halifax Resolves Chapter, NC Sons of the American Revolution to speak to their classes about the significance of the dates on the North Carolina flag.  The presentation, entitled “From Mecklenburg to Halifax”, covered the period in North Carolina history from the inception of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence to the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge ending in the adoption of the Halifax Resolves.  Wilson spoke to approximately 240 students in four separate groups.  Following the presentations, Wilson presented the teachers with SAR educational materials to aid them in their lesson planning.

Ken Wilson with one of the four group of 8th grade students

Mr. Matt Bissette, Mr. Ken Wilson, Mr. Markevius Silver, Mr. Charles Vester