Blue Ridge Chapter Meeting June 8, 2024

Ron Hillabrand
Posted in: News

Chartered 21 April 1928 in Asheville, North Carolina, it later became the Blue Ridge Chapter and is the oldest active Chapter in Western North Carolina.

The Blue Ridge Chapter held its Chapter Meeting at the J&S Cafeteria in Asheville, North Carolina, on June 8, 2024, with 34 members and guests in attendance. Chaplain Tom Rightmyer offered the invocation, Craig Issacson led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Ron Hillabrand led the SAR Pledge.

Chapter President Steve Greene then introduced our guest speaker, Robert Brown, Jr. Mr. Brown is the author of Kings Mountain and Cowpens: Our Victory Was Complete (History Press) 2009. He gave a very thorough, lively, and informative presentation of the Battle of Cowpens (January 17, 1781). He gave a convincing case that Cowpens changed the course of the American Revolution, and he observed that General Daniel Morgan’s victory there established him as an “absolute hero of tactics and logistics.” After his presentation, Steve Greene presented Robert with a SAR Certificate of Appreciation.

The minutes of the May 8, 2024, Executive Board Meeting were approved. The Treasurer Report was approved. Registrar Mike Burkhart stated we have added Robert Wetherington (Reinstatement) and Steve Thorne III (Dual Member) and our membership total is now 92 (89 Primary and 3 Dual). Color Guard and Grave Marking (combined report) by Craig Issacson stated that logistics are still being worked out for the Color Guard to do two ceremonies on July 4th in Hendersonville, North Carolina. The Grave Marking Committee is finalizing details for a Grave Marking in Mills River. Americanism/Flag Committee Steve Greene, soon, will be presenting more Certificates. Education Committee Larry Chapman stated that the Brevard Academy has invited the Chapter to conduct a program in the spring of 2025. JROTC Committee Larry Chapman reported that we gave 8 JROTC Awards this spring. He also reported that Jeff Brewer presented a wreath at the Memorial Day Service in Brevard and Steve Greene helped present a wreath at the Memorial Day Service in Madison County. Awards Committee Lance Dickinson reported the Continental Congress Medal and the Boston Tea Party Medal are both available for members to purchase on the NSSAR website. The Awards Committee wants to recognize our members who are veterans; those who did not do so after this meeting should notify Mike Burkhart to add their names to the Chapter’s Veteran list. Craig Issacson that Larry Chapman and Ron Hillabrand have qualified for the Grave Marking Medal. Chapter Historian Ken Weglarz reported on Chapter activities for May and early June. Our new Chapter Genealogist John Roper has received the prospects’ files and is getting up to speed with the genealogy manuals.

Old Business:

Mike Burkhart has turned over the Americanism Report duties to Dave Linton; members should contact Dave about their relevant activities. Bill Eakins is now responsible for the USS Stark Award Report. The Chapter continues to seek volunteers to serve in these roles: Treasurer, Membership Committee Chairman, Assistant/Back-ups to various Officers, and Committee Chairmen.

New Business: 

We need a committee formed to plan, organize, and make necessary arrangements for the August 10 Chapter Meeting at Mills River Park Pavillion. This will be a casual social barbeque event ( with few or no agenda items).

Ken Weglarz led the Recessional, and Tom Rightmyer gave the benediction. The Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

It is easy to see that the Blue Ridge Chapter is an active, energetic busy chapter that is always looking for new members to help us reach our challenging goals for the recognition of the sacrifices our Patriots made for us to enjoy all the freedoms we have today.