Blue Ridge Color Guard Welcomes New Citizens

Ron Hillabrand
Posted in: News

Chartered 21 April 1928 in Asheville, North Carolina, later became the Blue Ridge Chapter and is the oldest active Chapter in Western North Carolina.

On May 10, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in the Federal Courthouse in Asheville, NorthCarolina, in a solemn ceremony 21 people from some countries, such as, Columbia, Vietnam, Syria, El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras, India, United Kingdom, Ireland, Ecuador and Canada were sworn in as our new citizens. About 50 friends and family members were in attendance to support our new citizens and gave them a very rousing hand of applause for their accomplishments.

U.S. Magistrate Judge W. Carelton Metcalf and some of the new citizens


Also on hand and presenting our nation’s colors were the Blue Ridge Chapter Color Guard members and a DAR member:

Larry Chapman, Ken Weglarz Judge Metcalf, Tom Rightmyer, and DAR member Jill Chapman

It is easy to see that the Blue Ridge Chapter is an active, energetic, busy chapter that is always looking for new members to help us reach our challenging goals for the recognition of the sacrifices our Patriots made for us to enjoy the freedoms we have today.