Blue Ridge Chapter Grave Marking Celebration for Five Patriots at Newfound Baptist Church

Ron Hillabrand
Posted in: News

Chartered 21 April 1928 in Asheville, North Carolina, later became the Blue Ridge Chapter and is the oldest active Chapter in Western North Carolina.

On April 27, 2024, at the Newfound Baptist Church Cemetery in Leicester, North Carolina, the Blue Ridge Chapter hosted a Grave Marking Ceremony for the five Patriots who are buried there.

The Blue Ridge Chapter Color Guard along with Color Guard members from other Chapters gave the presentation of colors.

Color Guard

Blue Ridge Chapter Chaplain Tom Rightmyer gave the Invocation, Blue Ridge Chapter Treasurer Ron Hillabrand led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, Blue Ridge Chapter Compatriot Bob Wood III led the Sons of the American Revolution Pledge, and DAR Regent Julia Greene led the DAR’s American’s Creed. Welcome and Greetings were given by NCSSAR Mountain Region VP Craig Issacson and Blue Ridge Chapter President Steve Greene.


Craig Issacson & Steve Greene

Blue Ridge Chapter Compatriot Ron Chapman gave an inspiring speech On Hallowed Ground.

The Commemoration Ceremony and Rendering of Honors began as Patriot Joseph Cole was honored by his descendant, Blue Ridge Chapter Compatriot Jack Spiceland. Patriot Joseph Harrison was honored by his descendant, Blue Ridge Chapter Compatriot President Steve Greene. Patriot John Hays was honored by his descendant Blue Ridge Compatriot Clarence Rogers, Jr. Patriot Peter Plemmons was honored by his descendant Felix Walker Chapter Compatriot Roy Plemmons. Patriot Valentine Thrash was honored by his descendant Blue Ridge Compatriot Dave Galentine. Steven Greene and Felix Walker Chapter President Win Webster honored all the Patriots and then invited all of the 70 people who attended the solemn ceremony to present their honors to these brave Patriots.

The nine-member SAR Flintlock Company gave a three-round Musket Salute to the five Patriots.

SAR Flintlock Company

Compatriot David Hulburt performed Taps on his bugle. Blue Ridge Chapter Secretary led the SAR Recessional and Blue Ridge Chapter Chaplain Tom Rightmyer gave the Benediction.

Acknowledgment of Participants

NCSSAR Chapters

Blue Ridge, Alexander Erwin, Col. Daniel Boone, Col. Felix Walker, Halifax Reserve, and Raleigh Chapters

TNSSAR Chapters

Kings Mountain and Franklin Chapters

DAR Chapters/Regents

DAR District 1 Director-Kathryn Herrmann, Ruth Davidson Chapter-Becky Wood, Abraham Kuykendahl Chapter-Penny Summey, Rebecca Sevier-Waddell Chapter-Julia Greene, Griffith-Rutherford Chapter-Betsy Woolridge, Joseph McDowell Chapter-Charlotte Welch, Hugh Rogers Chapter-Constance Daly and Maureen O’Brien, Edward Buncombe Chapter-Wanda Coe, Waightstill-Avery Chapter-Stacy Hufzinger, Greenlee Chapter-Lotto Greenlee, Mary Patton Chapter-Anne Shelton (TN DAR), Battle of Sugartown Chapter-Mary Victoria Baker.

Musket Platoon

Garry Linton-Commander-Blue Ridge, David Carr-Kings Mountain-TNSSAR, Joel Davenport-Kings Mountain-TNSSAR, Allen Bell-Kings Mountain-TNSSAR, John Neth III-Kings Mountain-TNSSAR, Rob Richmond-Kings Mountain-TNSSAR, Robert Crum-Col.Daniel Boone, Larry Anderson-Col. Daniel Boone, Ken Luckey-Col. Daniel Boone, Ken Weglarz-Blue Ridge.


David Hulburt- Col. Daniel Boone

SAR Participants

Craig Issacson-NCSSAR Mountain Region VP, Joel Davenport-Tennessee SAR State President, David Carr-Tennessee SAR Past President, John Boyd-Blue Ridge Chapter Past President, John Neth III-Past State President Kings Mountain Chapter TNSSAR, Ben Setser-Catawba Valley Past President NCSSAR, Allen Bell-President Kings Mountain Chapter TNSSAR, Steve Greene-Blue Ridge Chapter President NCSSAR, Robert Crum-Col. Daniel Boone Chapter President NCSSAR, Kevin Hancock-Col. Alexander Erwin Chapter President NCSSAR, Bill Riggin-Haifax Reserves Chapter President NCSSAR, Win Webster-Felix Walker Chapter President NCSSAR, Garry Linton-Blue Ridge Chapter Vice President NCSSAR, Mark Canter-Blue Ridge Chapter, Larry Chapman Blue Ridge Chapter, Ron Chapman-Blue Ridge Chapter, Dave Galenting-Blue ridge Chapter, Jack Spiceland-Blue Ridge Chapter, Dave Gunther-Blue Ridge Chapter, Kevin Allec-Alexander Erwin Chapter, Ron Hillabrand-Blue Ridge Chapter, Bob Wood III-Blue Ridge Chapter, Paul Grass-Blue Ridge Chapter, Roy Plemmoms-Felix Walker Chapter, TomLesser-Alexander Erwin Chapter, Rob Richmond-Kings Mountain Chapter TNSSAR, Tom Rightmyer-Chaplain Blue Ridge Chapter, Clarence Rogers, Jr.-Blue Ridge Chapter, Richard Dyer-Raleigh Chapter, James Litton-Blue Ridge Chapter, Mike Burkhart-Blue Ridge Chapter.

It is easy to see that the Blue Ridge Chapter is an active, energetic, busy Chapter that is always looking for new members to help us reach our challenging goals for the recognition of the many sacrifices our Patriots made for us to enjoy all the freedoms we have today.