The Return of David Gammon & Student Recognition

The gathering on May 8th of the Halifax Resolves Chapter highlighted the presence of former Chapter President David Gammon and acknowledged the remarkable achievements of nearby students. Furthermore, the chapter put into effect the bestowal of the Outstanding Citizenship Award for graduating high school seniors in the region and seized the opportunity to unveil the recipients of the annual brochure and poster contest.

The evening commenced with recognition of Dia Denton, Halifax County Manager, for her collaboration in ensuring a triumphant Halifax Resolves Day Celebration. This yearly occasion commemorates the signing of the Halifax Resolves on April 12, 1776, marking North Carolina’s declaration of independence from Great Britain and its intention to endorse the Declaration of Independence through its delegates.

Three students from nearby high schools were chosen by their respective school districts as the recipients of the Outstanding Citizenship Award. This award is conferred upon a senior in the 2023-2024 class who has demonstrated excellence in U.S. History and has displayed commendable character and citizenship traits. The individuals honored with this accolade are Kennedy Hatcher from Northampton County (Northeast Academy), Jake Wynne from Halifax County (Roanoke Rapids High School), and Jon Ayden Horne from Nash County (Nash Central High School). Each of them received a certificate of merit along with a lapel pin.

At the meeting, the members reviewed the submissions for both the brochure and poster contest to select a winner for the year. The poster competition is accessible to elementary students in grades 3rd through 5th. The theme for this year’s posters centered around Revolutionary War events, and Easton Short emerged as the winner for the Halifax Chapter, with his depiction of the Boston Tea Party.  Short is from Roanoke Rapids and is taught by Valerie Henley at Halifax Academy.  Additionally, the SAR Middle School Contest involves crafting a tri-fold brochure from a standard 8 ½” x 11″ sheet of paper. The brochure must align with one of the nine foundational documents of the United States, as specified by the contest theme. Jacob Martinez’s brochure describing the Bill of Rights was selected as the winner. Martinez is from Roanoke Rapids and attends Chaloner Middle School, where he is taught by James Rooks. Both Short’s poster and Martinez’s brochure will be submitted to the state competition.

The night drew to a close with former Chapter President David Gammon taking the stage as the guest speaker. His presentation, titled “50 Years with a Shovel: Things I’ve Learned During My Years of Research,” proved to be both informative and entertaining. Through his engaging remarks, he transported the audience back to his childhood, sharing his curiosity about his family history and the traditional practices of the past.

President Bill Riggan & Dia Denton
President Bill Riggan & Kennedy Hatcher
President Bill Riggan & Jake Wynee

David Gammon discusses his “50 Years with a Shovel” and President Bill Riggan presents David with a certificate of Appreciation