Blue Ridge Chapter Awards for Proper American Flag Display

Ron Hillabrand
Posted in: News

First North Carolina Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. Chartered 21 April 1928 in Asheville, North Carolina, and later became the Blue Ridge Chapter.


Recently, the Blue Ridge Chapter agreed to award certificates to those who properly display the American Flag at their homes. All must adhere to the strict requirements of the proper display of an American Flag.

Our flag man extraordinaire, Compatriot Tom Long, and Compatriot Dan Jordan have been very busy observing and issuing awards to many homeowners who do in fact, present the proper display of the American Flag. Shown below are pictures of some of the award winners from this past week.

It is easy to see that the Blue Ridge Chapter is an active, energetic busy chapter that is always looking for new members to help us reach our challenging goals for the recognition of the sacrifices our Patriots made for us to enjoy all the freedoms we have today.