21st Annual Patriots’ Day Celebration
The 21st Annual Patriots’ Day ceremony was held May 20th at Alamance Battleground. This ceremony commemorates the 1781 battles of Clapp’s Mill, Pyle’s Defeat and Lindley’s Mill and the pre-Revolutionary War May 16, 1771 Battle of Alamance. Compatriot Christopher Powell of the Alamance Battleground Chapter was the Master of Ceremonies. The colors were posted by the Combined NC SAR Color Guard and the Western Alamance HS NJROTC. Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of Troop / Pack 93 also participated. SAR Foundation President Dr. Samuel C. Powell was the keynote speaker. NC SAR Sr. VP James A. Becker represented the North Carolina SAR. Ms. Megan Davis, President of the NCSCAR was also in attendance as well as Mrs. Karen G. Powell, President, SAR National Ladies Auxiliary and NC SAR Ladies Auxiliary President Mrs. Judy Pittard. Numerous SAR, DAR and CAR chapters were also represented.