Battle of Cowan’s Ford
The Mecklenburg Chapter hosted the 236th Anniversary commemoration of the Battle of Cowan’s Ford at the Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Huntersville, NC on 28 January 2017.

Chapter President Ken Luckey was the emcee for the gathering inside the church where playwright Bob Inman spoke about the meaning of the patriot efforts during the American Revolution and tied these heroic actions into the portion that we observed. Bob Inman was inducted into the SAR following his presentation.

Following the inside ceremony, Foothills District VP, Jay Joyce led the wreath ceremony honoring the fallen patriots and unveiled a new monument placed in the cemtery to honor those patriots.
A video prepared by the Andrew Pickens chapter of the South Carolina SAR allows you to visit the event at your computer. Multiple still pictures were shot by Kansas Society SAR President Brooks Lyles and are available at his Facebook page.