For many years the SAR has recognized the many common bonds of purpose and principles shared by the SAR and the Boy Scouts of America.

Young men achieving the rank of Eagle Scout have demonstrated their belief in these common principles. The NCSSAR Eagle Scout Award & Scholarship.For this reason, the SAR believes that Eagle Scouts are deserving of special recognition for their dedication and accomplishment.

2018 North Carolina SAR Eagle Scout Scholarship Winner

Eagle Scout Jonathan Goforth receives his award and scholarship from North Carolina SAR State President George Strunk in April 2019.

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2018 Eagle Scout Scholarship Award Winner :John Whitlow  John Whitlow, shown here with George Strunk, President of NC SAR

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There are two elements to this recognition. First, there is a recognition of all new Eagle Scouts. This does not depend on any later decision by the new Eagle Scout about whether to compete for the scholarships available, or not. It merely requires someone in the scout troop adult leadership to send a request for the SAR Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate.

Such a request from scout troops in North Carolina should be sent via e-mail to Steve Thrasher, , NCSSAR Eagle Scout Chairman.

The following info must be included in the request (preferably in a list format, in the same order as below – to facilitate processing):

1. Eagle Scout’s name as it should appear on the certificate;
2. Date of the Court of Honor (if known);
3. BSA Council & District;
4. Troop Number;
5. Troop Location (city & county);
6. Sponsoring Organization;
7. Adult Leader Position in the Troop of the person making the request;
8. To whom, & the address, the certificate should be mailed; and,
9. Local NCSSAR chapter (if known).
We will try to get the certificate to the troop in time for the Court of Honor, but there may be times when we are unable to make this timely response. In any event, a Recognition Certificate will be sent to the new Eagle Scout as soon as possible.

[Note: The above info on requesting a SAR Recognition Certificate is only for those scouts, & Scout Troops, that are located in the state of North Carolina. Those that are located in other states should contact the Eagle Scout Chairman for the SAR state society in their own state.]

The second element in our Eagle Scout Recognition Program is the competition for scholarships. This portion of the program requires additional work from the new Eagle Scout.

Nationally there are three SAR organizational levels at which a new Eagle Scout might compete for additional recognition and/or monetary awards. Entrants need to complete only one application — the one for the chapter competition. If it is a chapter winner, it is then submitted by the chapter for the state competition; and, if it is a winner again, it is then submitted by the state for the national competition.

1. Many local chapters of the SAR present certificates, medals and in some cases, cash awards, to the winners of competition within a chapter territory or a local Boy Scout Council area. In NCSSAR, some chapters are too small, or too new, to offer any cash awards. Contact your local chapter for what is available and when their local competition is held, if they have one. To find your local NCSSAR chapter click here.

[Note: Only one entry application is allowed for each Eagle Scout. Submitting more than one entry application (for example, to more than one chapter) will result in the applicant being disqualified for any chapter/state/National competition for the current year. An applicant may apply through any chapter in the state, but only one chapter. Application must be through a state chapter. NCSSAR no longer accepts any application directly to the state chairman. Only chapter winners are eligible for the state competition.]

2. Each State, and the District of Columbia, selects a winner, from among the chapter winners, who receives a handsome Eagle Trophy. Many states present a cash award as well. Currently, the NCSSAR state winner receives a $750 scholarship award, in addition to the trophy.

3. State winners’ applications are submitted, by the state SAR, to the SAR National Eagle Scout Committee, which meets in February or March of each year to judge state winner entries. From those state winners, the National Committee selects the top three National Scholarship winners.

The top National winner receives an $8,000 Scholarship award and is brought as a guest to the National SAR Congress, held in June or July each year, where the award is made and the Eagle presents his essay to the assembly.

The National first runner-up receives a $4,000 award, and the second runner-up $2,000, presented at State society meetings.

2015 NCSSAR Eagle Scout Scholarship Winner Brandon Lawrence of Henderson, NC, and NCSSAR Eagle Scout program chair Steve Thrasher, in Burlington, NC, April 18, 2015
2015 NCSSAR Eagle Scout Scholarship Winner Brandon Lawrence of Henderson, NC, and NCSSAR Eagle Scout program chair Steve Thrasher, in Burlington, NC, April 18, 2015.
Who may apply and deadlines for applications?

Any Eagle Scout is eligible to apply who is still registered actively in a Scout unit provided that he does NOT reach his 19th birthday in the calendar year of application.

An Eagle may apply more than one year, but no individual may be awarded more total dollars than the $8,000 First Place award. For example, if an Eagle applies one year and receives the National runner-up award of $4,000, and has not reached his 19th birthday in the following calendar year, he may apply the second year, but if he were the First Place winner, he would receive only an additional $4,000.

This annual competition is conducted on a calendar year basis. The deadline for submitting applications for the NCSSAR state competition is the 31st of December each year. The deadline for the chapter competition submissions may be set anytime prior to that date. You will have to check with the individual chapter for the date.


1.Completed Application Form, signed by you and your parents/guardian. Also, the BSA Unit Leader must sign the bottom of the 2nd page, certifying the accuracy of the facts as they relate to the scout’s scouting record. Download the Eagle Scout Application Form here.

2. Download the Four Generation Ancestry Chart here.

3. Download the Patriotic Theme Guideline Form here. Your original essay, not to exceed 500 words, written on an American Revolutionary Patriotic Theme, with footnotes and bibliography.

Note: Each of the forms should be printed as two sided, if possible.

How to apply for the SAR Scholarship Program

Information can be obtained from:

The Eagle Scout Chairman in the NCSSAR chapter in your BSA Council. To find your local NCSSAR chapter click here. If there is no Chapter Eagle Scout Chairman listed on the chapter website, e-mail the Chapter President with your questions about their Eagle Scout Recognition Program and their annual chapter scholarship competition.

For more information please visit the SAR National Eagle Scout page here.